Then do other characters who say relevant things like Promestein and Nero, or just anything the Marcellus' name at all. With something like that, translating all Luka's non-battle dialogue seems very doable (since another anon stripped all the battle chats, those are their own section/folder). For example, all the dialogue that a character says seems to have their in brackets. Then, depending how the text is actually organized, direct my efforts accordingly. He should just give it up and maybe prioritize on translating MGQ2 when that comes out.Ħ08KB, 800圆00px Personally, were I doing the translating, I'd beat the crap out of the game first (which I assume he probably did) and try to see all the side stuff, so I get an idea where to focus my efforts. What he's doing just isn't feasible for one guy to take on. No joke, I think he's gonna call it quits eventually. I think most people would rather see a lot of the core story and dialogue of important characters translated over some farmer whining about some tedious nonsense. There's just too much coming out and the stress will probably eventually win out. >And there comes a point when one must realize these translation projects are going to go unfinished. At the very least he should just be concentrating on pivotal story and h-scenes.

The main demographic of people who play these games are people looking for fap material. I mentioned this way before Part 1 even dropped, he should've concentrated on getting the Encyclopedia and H-Scenes translated first. It is unclear how the script is organized but it doesn't seem like it forces you to do every minor NPC in order. There's a whole main story that seems like a much bigger priority. I don't give a shit what most random peasants and priests in Iliasville are saying. The priority shouldn't be that every minor NPC I can talk to is translated in the order of the towns they appear in. >On the other hand, he seems to not have any grasp of priorities. You're also welcome to discuss other monster girl games. Sacred and Profane (Edgy's titanic fanfic that merits its own spot): Mystery Game: !q0twyQRQ!r9h-7fvaWzRF60EL2LIEMQP154QvFPyYRrTgElNUqz0 NG+ (2.5 + 3.0 demo) !d85jRRJR!UrPiMmYV-RSQa06S1YkUCsbYNq9wVK5fzcgAwuMPnw Prepatched Paradox v1.21a EN (Partial Translation): !R0k0nJ6A!xN_EdgmCRbMBHvE4jkxZJcWOPigDe8v7mH42IQELnDw

Parts 1-3 Translated (100% translations): !9Y8ywKSa!QBcjtmjKA_2DHfgkzy86n4J6ZwGTUsEu4cP2ZWBPXbU

Original Megapack (MGQ Original Trilogy + NG+ 2.5 patch) mega:///#!TV83AL6a!MZJ57fOoo32sL5bqam-IU1mkT6Y_BtmJUKYsjWKBWNc ># Downloads (check the pastebins for downloads of other stuff) # mgqg/: Monster Girl Quest General Anonymous 06:30:09 Post No.